Become a Santa: About Magic
The “Become a Santa” project is not just a story about gifts – it’s about children living in border villages. These villages are far from the world we know, and it’s all the more interesting to share this with people.
The phenomenon of these children living there is unique. In these “little people,” there is much hidden. They look at you with a serious, conscious, thoughtful gaze. They speak confidently, strictly, and precisely. They observe you for a long time, checking and evaluating. It’s challenging for them to trust and open up.
At the same time, they are full of naivety, ease, and carefreeness. They look at you with affection, shyly and smilingly. They reach out their hands to you, wave in response, and hug. In them, a child’s heart and an adult mind are miraculously intertwined.
They have much more to understand about themselves and this world. And we will help them in this, even if it’s just with a warm smile or a cherished dream.
Children – they are the same everywhere. The wonder they experience – it’s the same everywhere. The emotions that arise in them – they are the same everywhere.
What do you think the children from the border villages in Armenia said when they opened their New Year’s gifts? They wished for peace and tranquility.
And we, in turn, stand in solidarity with them, with the children who have to grow up too soon, but who already clearly understand that children are the same everywhere…
Soon we will start sharing stories of our encounters with them. You must get to know them: be inspired and also uncover your own world.