Seventeen-year-old Shahane Sahakyan faced a serious threat. Due to rapidly progressing scoliosis, she needed a repeat surgery to install a metal structure in Moscow. The necessary funds were hard to come by. Due to unforeseen complications, the surgery took more time and money than initially planned. The “Hurry for Good” foundation urgently organized a fundraiser through social media and other channels to raise the 64,167 rubles needed to cover the surgery and ensure Shagane received quality medical care.
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we managed to raise a total of 79,911 rubles in less than two days. Of this amount, 64,137 rubles were used to pay for Shahane’s surgery, and the remaining funds were allocated to support the next patient in need.
We express our deep gratitude to everyone who responded and supported our campaign. Your generosity and kindness made it possible to save Shahane’s life and restore her health. Now, thanks to your help, she can sit and walk again. We continue our important mission of helping those who find themselves in difficult life situations. Your support is invaluable to us and to those we help. Thank you for making the world a better place with us!