"Hurry for Good" Foundation

David’s Journey: A Step Toward a Healthy Heart

Meet David, a ten-year-old boy with a big, kind heart who has been bravely battling a congenital heart defect (Tetralogy of Fallot) since birth. Over the past ten years, David has undergone four complex surgeries, the most recent of which was successfully performed on January 15, 2024, in Moscow. While the results are promising, long-term medication is essential to maintain his health and ensure his continued recovery.

One critical medication for David is Tracleer DT (bosentan), which costs over $1000 per package. This medicine plays a vital role in stabilizing his condition, helping regulate lung pressure, and bringing him closer to living a full and active life. David loves playing football and chess with his younger brother and dreams of a world where all children are healthy and mothers are happy.

Thanks to a successful fundraising campaign organized by the “Hurry for Good” foundation in collaboration with the IMAST app, David has received the necessary medication to continue his treatment.

His mother expressed her heartfelt gratitude: “I am deeply grateful to everyone who supported us and didn’t leave us alone in this journey. These medications are helping David take another step toward a healthy and fulfilling life. My sincere thanks to the ‘Hurry for Good’ foundation, the IMAST app, and all the kind people who helped us. May God bless you and your families. I wish for all children to be healthy.”

David’s cardiologist, who prescribed Tracleer DT after his heart surgery, recently reviewed his progress and was very pleased with the results. The medication has been effective, and David now feels much better—he no longer tires as quickly as he did before starting treatment.

This success story is a testament to the power of compassion and collaboration. Together, with the help of the IMAST app and the generosity of donors, we’ve given David the chance to live a healthier, happier life.
