"Hurry for Good" Foundation

Anuta’s Story Showcases Power of Community

Do you all remember our New Year’s fundraiser for Anuta Babayan?
When, miraculously, in less than 24 hours, we managed to raise over 400,000 rubles?
Anuta has been in the hospital for over a month, receiving additional treatment, so we are just returning with news, but these news are good, and we are ready to share them.
Let’s remember, she is 18 years old, she is from the city of Artashat, and her family turned to us with an urgent request: another liver surgery (the 7th in a row) and rehabilitation, for which there were not enough funds. And all this on the eve of New Year’s Eve.
A few hours, and we with you became witnesses of a New Year’s miracle, collecting 410,050.37 in less than a day. And now Anuta has successfully undergone surgery and treatment in the Russian Federation, has already been discharged from the hospital and flew to her native Armenia. She will still have to continue treatment in Armenia and, possibly, if necessary, be monitored in the Russian Federation, but we believe that with God’s help, everything will be wonderful for the girl!
Anuta, we wish you health! Smile, because your smile is beautiful. You are a smart girl and a beauty. Continue to love and appreciate our Armenia.
Thank you to each of you for this miracle and for Anuta’s smile, without you there would be nothing!
And we would like to express our special thanks to the Diaconia Foundation, which supports Anuta. We are sure that together we can put the girl on her feet. Mutual support in our work is very important and valuable.
In the course of providing charitable assistance to Anuta, we raised more money than we needed. The amount of 200,000 rubles was transferred to the treatment and rehabilitation of Babayan Anuta, and the remainder was directed to the implementation of future charitable programs of our foundation with a subsequent report!
